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Hooray for National Tooth Fairy Day!
National Tooth Fairy Day is celebrated twice a year, making her a pretty big deal. Click to learn fun new ways to celebr
Customization Helps Us Overcome Fear of Going to the Dentist
Does the thought of going to the dentist make you tense, worried, or even panic? It’s OK. Fear of going to the dentist
Grin! for Kids: Taking kids on adventures in smiling
Kids will learn and laugh as they go on adventures in smiling with the lastes Grin! for Kids magazine.
one of those moments
A hygienist in our Mobile Program describes connecting with a young patient
How dental sealants protect kids' teeth from cavities
This simple and painless procedure reduces the risk of tooth decay by up to 80%
The Magic of Clean Teeth with Jean the Hygienist
National Children’s Dental Health Month is a great time to begin the conversation of oral health and dental hygiene with
Miles, motels, and molars
Working as a public health dental hygienist in Delta Dental’s Mobile Program