Small business plans
Small business plans brochure
Overview of DDSD's new small business plans for 2025
Plan summaries and rates, and group application forms in downloadable .PDF format.
Overview of DDSD's new small business plans for 2025
Fillable group plan application form for 2025 small business plans 4030, 4040, 4050, 4060, 5030, 5040, 5050, & 5060
Submit completed group applications by email to smallbusiness@deltadentalsd.com
Make changes to your group's enrollment roster of primary members and dependents.
Notify us of a change in coverage status for an an enrolled primary member or dependent.
Set up an automatic funds transfer to auto-pay your monthly invoice.
Overview of DDSD's new individual & family plans for 2025
Fillable enrollment form for all 2025 individual and family plans [1031, 1041, 1051]
Update your bank account information for auto-payments for your indivdidual/family plan with this EFT form.
Overview of benefits and rates for 2025
Fillable group application form for all SDRA group plans [8010, 8012, 8013 & 8015]
Make changes to your group's enrollment roster of primary members and dependents.
Notify us of a change in coverage status for an an enrolled primary member or dependent.
Set up an automatic funds transfer to auto-pay your monthly invoice.
The top 10 reasons to choose a plan from Delta Dental of South Dakota
A flyer for members describing the Prevention Pays plan feature.
A flyer for brokers and consultants describing the Prevention Pays plan feature.
A flyer for employers, group plan administrators, and human resources managers describing the Prevention Pays plan feature.
A flyer for brokers, employers, group plan administrators, and human resources managers describing the Health through Oral Wellness program.
A flyer for members describing the Health through Oral Wellness program.
A flyer for brokers, employers, group plan administrators, and human resources managers describing Maximum Bonus Account (MBA).
A flyer for members describing Maximum Bonus Account (MBA).